Our team will partner with two churches in Zhovti Vody, Ukraine to encourage & disciple believers, evangelize the community & bless children through ministry in both the city & Christian orphanages.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Final Countdown

Our home church, Word Alive International Outreach [WAIO], encourages & prays for the team during the Saturday night service. Above is a picture of the whole group along with our Pastor Kent Mattox. Our Team member names from top left are: Jordan, Nathan, Ralph, Sonja, Karen, Winsome, Karina, Kelli, Cris, Kim, Ashley & Jon.
We leave Monday morning. The flights will be from Atlanta to Amsterdam then to Kiev. We'll arrive in Kiev on Tuesday at 1:00p.m., and after going through customs we'll drive approximately 8 hours to Yellow Water. It may actually be late Tuesday or Wednesday morning before we have opportunity to post again. Ukraine is 8 hours ahead of central time.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

48 Hours and Counting

We are on the countdown as we prepare both physically and spiritually for the coming days. Above is a photo of our team [a total of 12... one is missing in the pix].
Please pray for our journey, and the movement of the Spirit of God. We anticipate His greatness to shine forth!